Wednesday, May 17, 2006

As many of you know that for the past 2 years Sandra and I have been serving the high school students at Calvary Chapel Okinawa. It has been an incredible time for us as we have experienced God in dynamic ways as He works through us. We have witnessed high school students whose lives have been changed dramatically as they submit themselves to the power of the Holy Spirit. It has been an incredible experience for both of us, we are grateful that God has not only counted us worthy but also enabled us to serve in this capacity. We have been totally blessed.

One thing that we have done in the last 2 years has been to cultivate a heart for missions and evangelism in the hearts of the students. We have routinely been out street witnessing in Mihama, a place where Okinawans and Americans alike gather to hang out with friends. It is always exciting to see God use these kids to evangelize a lost nation, we have seen God use many kids in wonderful ways. Last Friday night we were out witnessing and thought it would be a good night for a group picture since several of the students that are apart of TC-1 High School Ministry will be graduating soon, we will miss them so much, but we know that God has wonderful plans for all of them as they move into their next season of life and service unto the King.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey mihama, i love that place so much. i remember when we were playing worship, and it just started pouring rain, couldnt hear worship or you praying! lol good times. God bless bro.


P.S. Have you heard from Dave downs yet... im gonna email him right now!