Saturday, September 06, 2008

D.L. Moody

D. L. Moody

I have recently been reading a bio in Dwight Lymon Moody. It has thus far been a great read, very inspiring and I can see why the Lord has me reading this book right now, timing is always key. I have been greatly challenged as I am sure that you will be too.

In a conversation with another man, this other man named Varley remarked, "Moody, the world has yet to see what God will do with a man fully consecrated to Him." Moody responded, "Well by the Holy Spirit in me I'll be that man."

The Lord has been challenging me personally in areas of complete surrender, am I? are we? at a place that we can honestly say that we are His, every aspect of our lives, belonging to Him. Spurgeon once said, "If you desire Jesus to be a perpetual guest in your heart, then you must give Him the key to every cupboard and closet." If we as believers would live like "believers" we could in our own spheres of influence see the world changed for Jesus, for eternity. 

Surrender all that you are today, and live for Jesus tomorrow. It's our reasonable service.

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